Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Santa got a new order

Christmas is a bit different for kids and adults. Kids get to write a letter to Santa, wake up on Christmas day and find the present under the tree. Where as I had to write a letter, provide the credit card and schedule a pick up date way past Christmas. But the heck with that! I am not complaining (the taxes are excepted). The order is in and the little elves at Factory Five are hard at work.

Well, there's not much else to report. We got snow, meaning we are well into the hibernation season for the project. I am planing on doing some minor prepare, clean and paint jobs for donor parts but with out the heater in the garage nothing exciting is down the stream.

April is the tentative time for the pick up of the kit. It takes Factory Five some time to put the kit together and also the Transportation Canada to approve the import. Also there's hope that the weather will be warmer.

For now: Happy New Year everybody!