Sunday, March 24, 2013

Warning: The following content may cause temporary speech impediment

This is somewhat special moment. I just got the first 4 boxes with Factory Five logo on them. Inside of those I found these:

And just to put it in perspective:

These are WIDE. In fact, when I pulled the front ones out of the box I've mistaken them for the rears. However, when the rears came out it all became clear. 

Here's an interesting thing about the wheels. They are actually drop shipped by the original manufacturer to the Factory Five customer. So, there's a shipping fee. The fee is usually high for customers in US but for Canadians it's extra high. For cases as such we have cbi usa. They will receive the package for you and allow you to pick it up some time after. A friend of mine was actually doing his run to pick up his parts and brought my wheels with him. Perfect timing. Many thanks to my buddy too.

Now all I need is the rest of the boxes and a trailer load. Which should be coming soon. :)