Monday, September 29, 2014

Home for the battery

It's time to find permanent home for the electrical components. Let's start with an easy one. It's also the biggest. The battery has been resting on a couple of the planks of wood at the front. It's where Mustang had it. My cobra needs it in the trunk. In fact under the trunk floor to save the trunk space. If you recall, I had a funky kit installed from

It would seem that all I need to do is to actually move the battery to the rear and connect the two big wires. How hard can it get? How about if one of the wires is not provided as part of the kit. ;) Oh good ol' Factory Five. Well, I needed the battery posts relocation anyhow. Since the battery will be installed in a very hard to access compartment it would be priceless to have access for charging and cut off switch for safety. Of course, folks at Breeze Automotive know the troubles the builders go through and have a fix ready.

Now I have all the parts I need: the ground cables for the entire car, charging posts and the high current cut off switch.

The task becomes really straight forward. Clean up the powder coating and bolt up the cables with properly crimped ends. Here's an example 

The battery is too big and does not fit inside the box. I will buy the correct size one later but till then it looks like this

I also got a couple of these

One set goes on top of the battery another covers the charging posts

This is the pretty side

And the last bit to complete the circuit is the switch. Remember that it has to go between the battery and the car but not the charging post. The idea is that you should be able to disconnect the battery for charging.

Here's how the switch looks like between the seats in the cabin.

Nothing to write home about. There is a face plate that goes under but I need to finish the carpet before installing it. The pretty side of the switch is the under side

My wife does not share my fascination with the internals looking cute. She claims that nobody would look or care to look at the internal component. She does have a higher level of education then me so I let these silly remarks slide occasionally.

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